Terms of Use

for the provision of paid training services as of June 1, 2023

Liubov V. Borisova, hereinafter referred to as the "Provider," hereby offers these Terms of Use for the provision of paid online services for academic writing training through the Platform for Conscious Research “Academio”, including the Programme "Research Article from Inception to Publication".


1.1. Definitions and terms used in this agreement:

Terms of Use (Terms) govern the use of our website and services. By accessing and using the websites https://academio-writing.eu/ and https://academio.online/, as well as buying any products, services and courses at https://school.academio.online/, https://learn.academio.online/ and https://school.academio-writing.eu/, any individual (hereinafter referred to as the "Customer," the second party) acknowledges that he/she has read, understood, and agree to be bound by these Terms of Use. If one does not agree with any part of these terms, they need to refrain from accessing or using our website and services. We value our clients privacy and are committed to complying with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other applicable data protection laws. For more information about our data protection practices, please refer to our Privacy Policy .The Terms include this text and an attachment.

Acceptance of the Terms is the complete and unconditional acceptance by the Customer of the conditions of these Terms. Acceptance is considered to be the Customer's performance of one of the actions: making a pre-payment, partial or full payment of the training cost in the manner provided in these Terms.

The main programme (programme) is an author's educational online programme "Research Article from Inception to Publication", which consists of video materials united by a common theme, transmitted in a remote form, including homework assignments, group sessions, and Zoom discussions. The Author reserves the right to make changes to the content of the programme that do not substantially alter its content and structure. The program's content is specified in Appendix No. 1 to this Agreement.

Supplementary material is intellectual property developed by the author of the Online Program: checklists, document templates, cheat sheets, instructions, tables, presentations, and other materials and the exclusive rights and personal non-property rights to which belong to the author of the Online programme - Liubov V. Borisova (Provider).

Intellectual property is legally protected work: audiovisual work (video lessons, video broadcasts), lectures, programme structure, checklists, document templates, cheat sheets, instructions, tables, presentations, and other materials, presentation design, texts, videos, and photographs on the Provider's websites and accounts, and other legally protected results of intellectual activity and means of identification.
Training cost (contract price) includes the price (cost) of paid online training services, the cost of related administrative services, assistance to students, homework assignment checking, and the price (cost) of rights to intellectual property results (supplementary materials, access to video materials), online discussion of homework questions (online consultations).

The cost of training for each programme is published on the website https://academio.online/.

Personal Data Protection Policy is the policy regarding the protection of personal data within the author's Online programme is determined in accordance with the Customer's Personal Data Processing Policy, which the Customer is familiar with during verification on the website and before making payment for the training cost.

Educational platform is an electronic platform where the online course is hosted, through which the Customer gains access to the modules of the online Programme, webinars, and supplementary materials. The address of the educational platform is https://learn.academio.online.

Chat is a closed community in the Telegram or Facebook messenger intended for exchanging messages between Customers and the Provider, as well as coaches and administrators (representatives of the Provider) within the scope of this Agreement.

Access to the programme is provided via an email sent by the Provider to the Customer, confirming the conclusion of the Agreement and containing information necessary for the Customer to access the Service on the educational platform and the community chat.

Feedback refers to the valuable input, responses, and insights shared in the form of answers to questions on the platform, conversations in the chat, and discussions during Zoom calls, fostering collaboration and enhancing the services provided.

Lesson is a part of the Online programme that logically combines information from the Online programme and, if necessary, includes assignments that restrict access to subsequent Lessons or impose other limitations on the progress of the online programme.

Progression through the online programme is the process of consuming information from the Online Programme, aimed at acquiring information, knowledge, or skills contained in the Online Programme, and includes the completion of mandatory or optional assignments in the lessons.

Learner, also referred to as User or Customer - an individual who has accepted these Terms of Use to access all services and information provided on the Website.

Learner Account - the personal space of the Learner on the Educational Platform. The Learner Account is personalised.

Stop-Lesson is a Lesson that restricts the Learner's access to subsequent lessons until the Learner fulfils the requirements specified in the Stop-Lesson.
Webinar is an interactive online event involving the Provider or a representative of the Provider of the Online Programme, or a recording of such an online event.

Platform Administrator - the party initiating the Terms and providing access to the Online programme and/or Webinars, and overseeing the actions of the Learners.

Programme’s timezone - CET/CEST (Central European (Summer) Time: Prague, Berlin, Paris).

1.2. The Provider undertakes the obligation to provide educational services under the programme "Scientific Article from Idea to Publication" (hereinafter referred to as the Program), while the Customer agrees to pay for these services.

1.3. The Provider commits to deliver the services according to the programme structure, scope, and timeline, as agreed upon between the Customer and the Provider. The training is conducted through lectures/sessions organized by the Provider.
1.4. The structure of the proprietary online programme is agreed upon by the Parties in Appendix No. 1, which is an integral part of this Agreement.
1.5. The Provider personally delivers educational services and may engage additional specialists to provide supplementary information services (where necessary).
1.6. The services are rendered through the provision of lesson recordings, conducting lessons and consultations on Zoom, the placement of informational materials and assignments for the Customer on the Platform, written and oral responses to the Customer's questions, as well as other forms of remote informational support to the Customer using distance technologies.

The Customer independently familiarises themselves with the schedule and content of the programme and bears responsibility for adhering to the Programme's timeline, completing assignments, and performing other actions related to the provision of services by the Provider.

1.7. Personal data processing matters are regulated by the following document of the Provider: "Personal Data Processing Policy by L.V. Borisova," available at the following link: LINK TO THE POLICY.

1.8. The Provider reserves the right to make changes and additions to this Terms and other documents posted on the Internet in connection with the provision of services, without notifying or informing the Customer. The text of this Terms is published on the website: LINK TO THE OFFER. The Customer is responsible for independently monitoring the current content of the terms of this Terms. The current version of the Terms becomes effective upon publication on the website: https://academio.online/. Changes made to the Terms do not have retroactive effect.


2.1. The Customer has the right to:

2.1.1. Take written notes during the Programme, seek clarifications on the Programme's topic, and obtain complete information on the content and provision of Services by the Provider.

2.1.2. Demand compliance with the guarantees under the Agreement from the Provider, or in case of non-compliance, upon the Customer's fulfilment of guarantee conditions, request a refund of the paid fees.

2.1.3. In case of valid reasons preventing the completion of the Programme, request to reschedule the training dates in agreement with the Provider.

2.2. The Customer agrees to:

2.2.1. Independently and promptly familiarise themselves with the information about the Programmes before submitting an application.

2.2.2. Fill in the necessary mandatory fields accurately and provide truthful information during registration, in accordance with section 3.1.1. of the Agreement.

2.2.3. Pay for the Services under the conditions and at the cost in effect at the time of payment. The current terms and cost, as well as information about promotions (special offers), are posted on the website https://academio.online/.

2.2.4. Obtain written consent from the Provider for transferring the rights to access the Video Course to a third party, and provide the new Customer's data as specified in Section 3.1.1. of this Agreement, no later than 24 hours before the start of the respective Programme. If the right to access the Programmes is transferred to a third party, the terms of this Agreement and the Privacy Policy also apply to that individual.

2.2.5. Immediately notify the Provider in writing, through the provided contact email, of any changes in personal and contact information.

2.3. The Provider has the right to:

2.3.1. Demand payment for the programme in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and refrain from providing services without receiving payment.

2.3.2. Engage third parties in the provision of Services without prior consent from the Customer.
2.3.3. Modify the dates, times, and other conditions of the Programme.
2.3.4. The Provider informs the Customer about such changes by posting the information on the Provider's website on the programme page, sending an email, and notifying through the chat. It is the Customer's responsibility to stay informed about these changes.
2.4. The Provider undertakes to:
2.4.1. Provide the Customer with all necessary information about the programme before the Customer makes any payment for accessing the Зrogramme in their personal account on the Platform.

2.4.2. Grant access to the programme within 48 hours after receiving payment from the Customer. Provide access to video lessons on the platform during the Programme's scheduled days and conduct them accordingly after receiving payment from the Customer. In case of any changes to the Programme's conditions (time, dates, or other modifications), notify the Customer.


3.1. The procedure for providing services to the Customer is as follows:

3.1.1. Customer registration on the Platform on the Internet at https://school.academio.online. To register, the Customer must provide the following information:

  • First name and last name.
  • Contact phone number.
  • Telegram username.
  • Contact email address.

3.1.2. Provision of access by the Provider to the Customer's personal account on the Platform on the Internet at https://school.academio.online.

3.1.3. The Provider provides the Customer with information regarding the types, content, cost, and payment procedures for accessing the Platform's Programs through the personal account on the Platform.

3.2. Services under this agreement are provided according to the date specified on the website and upon receiving payment from the Customer, in accordance with the selected type of education.

3.3. Services under this agreement are considered to be provided with due quality and within the specified timeframe, and are deemed accepted by the Customer if, within 3 (three) calendar days after the expiration of the period stated in clause 3.1 of this agreement for the respective service, the Customer has not raised a substantiated objection regarding the quality and scope of such services by sending a statement through a personal message to the email address l.borisova@academio.online. The Provider considers the substantiated objection within a three-day period and makes a decision regarding refund or denial of refund. A response is sent within 3 days from the date of making the decision, using the details provided in the statement.

3.4. Services related to providing access to blocks, modules, webinars, and additional materials (podcasts, presentations, checklists) of the programme are considered to be provided by the Provider at the moment when access to the respective module, webinar, and additional materials on the educational platform is granted, regardless of the Customer's actual usage. Modules, webinars, and additional materials are made available according to the schedule posted on the educational platform.

Services related to feedback on the assignments is considered to be provided at the moment when feedback (verbal or written) is sent through the Platform.

3.5. If the Customer provides inaccurate information regarding the following data: email address, phone number, and full name at the time of placing an order for programme payment, as well as fails to open the messages sent to their email or messenger chats, the Customer bears responsibility for not gaining access to the educational materials of the programme and expert-led live broadcasts regarding student matters.

3.6. In the event that the Customer does not participate (does not attend) the training or does not review the educational materials within the access period to the educational platform, the Provider's obligations to provide such a service are considered fulfilled in full and on time, as it should have been provided.

3.7. In order to provide services for conducting training with access to a personal account where educational materials and video lessons of the programme are available, access to paid materials is granted within 48 hours from the moment of payment to the Customer's email address provided by the Customer at the time of application submission.

3.8. During holiday periods, the frequency of conducting webinars may be adjusted, and the current webinar may be rescheduled for the nearest working days. Due to circumstances beyond the Provider's control, the execution of the current webinar may be postponed at the Provider's discretion for the duration of such circumstances. The Customer is promptly notified about this through the closed chat of the programme and via email. The rescheduling of the event date, etc., does not imply a lack of service or incomplete provision of services on the part of the Provider.

3.9. If the Customer does not provide their nickname in Telegram, the Provider assumes no responsibility for adding the Customer to the Telegram chat.

3.10. The Customer is responsible for keeping track of all updates and changes in the information provided by the Provider under this agreement.

3.11. The Customer retains access to the educational materials for the following periods:
Premium Package - 6 months from the date of tariff payment; VIP Package - 12 months from the date of tariff payment.

3.12. By accepting this Terms, the Customer freely, willingly, and in their own interest gives consent to the processing of their personal data provided by the Customer to the Provider. In particular, this consent applies to any actions (operations) or combination of actions (operations) carried out with or without the use of automation tools involving the provided personal data, including collection, recording, systematisation, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, modification), extraction, use, transmission (distribution, provision, access), depersonalisation, blocking, removal, and destruction. The consent is given for the purpose of entering into and performing the obligations undertaken by the Provider towards the Customer (Student), arising from the acceptance of this Terms and concerning the following personal data: last name, first name, patronymic, email address, mobile phone number (home, contact).
The Customer is informed that, in accordance with subparagraph 2 of paragraph 2 of Article 22 of Federal Law No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data" dated July 27, 2006, the Provider is entitled to process personal data obtained by the Provider in connection with the acceptance of this Terms without notifying the authorised body for the protection of the rights of personal data subjects, provided that personal data is not disseminated or provided to third parties without the consent of the personal data subject and is used by the Provider exclusively for the performance of the specified Terms and the conclusion of contracts with the personal data subject. The personal data of the Customer/Student may be processed indefinitely. The consent is considered revoked in case of early termination

4.1. The cost of educational services under this agreement is indicated on the provider's website, https://academio.online/, and may be changed by the provider at any time at their sole discretion. The new cost comes into effect upon publication and does not apply to services that have been fully paid for at the time of such changes.

4.2. The customer makes payment for the service through non-cash settlement, using payment systems, electronic money, and other methods offered by the provider on the Service sales website. Payment may also be made by third parties, as notified by the customer to the provider in writing.

4.3. The moment of payment is considered to be the receipt of funds into the provider's account.

4.4. The customer can pay the full tariff amount at once or make a deposit to secure the promotional tariff price in the amount of 10,000 rubles. Within 7 days after the deposit payment, the customer is required to choose and pay for the tariff either in a single payment or in 3 monthly instalments (clause 5.7.1).

4.5. In case of withdrawal from the Programme, the deposit is non-refundable in accordance with Article 380 of the Civil Code. The deposit agreement is Appendix No. 1 to this contract.


5.1. The customer has the right to submit a request for a full refund of the programme before the start of the Introductory Training Module.

5.2. Regarding the services of conducting in-person ("live") trainings and seminars, the refund rule specified in clause 5.1 does not apply, and refunds upon customer's request are not provided. This is because the provider incurs expenses related to the organization and direct provision of such services, including the payment of certain amounts and obligations to organizers and third parties prior to the start of the respective event.

5.3. When making a refund decision, the provider may withhold a portion of the service cost to compensate for actual expenses incurred at the time of receiving the refund request.

The provider's actual expenses include, but are not limited to:
  • Bank fees, charges by credit institutions, and corresponding payment systems for processing the refund;
  • Payment for invited speakers;
  • Rent payment for the educational platform and online event venue.

In the event that the customer has not utilized the provided materials, or has not participated in webinars and online Zoom meetings organized by the provider without valid documentary reasons, the cost of such materials and services shall also be included in the provider's expenses, due to circumstances beyond the provider's control.

5.4. In the case of the customer's withdrawal from the programme after the opening date of the Introductory Module, the refund is processed with the deduction of the cost of lessons for which the customer has been granted access.

5.5. The customer has the right to negotiate with the provider the terms of internal installment payments offered for Premium and VIP tariffs.

5.5.1 Conditions for providing internal installment payments. The prepayment for the installment plan amounts to 10,000 rubles. One-third of the remaining programme cost is to be paid within the following 7 days. The date of payment is considered the date when the funds are received in the provider's account. The remaining cost is to be paid in two monthly installments. Refund rules for internal installment payments: If only the prepayment has been made, it is non-refundable as it serves as a deposit amount. If the first one-third of the cost has been paid and a refund is requested within the first week of the Programme, the customer will receive a full refund of the amount paid, minus the bank commission and deposit amount. If a refund request is made after the first week of the training, the refund amount depends on the chosen tariff and is calculated based on the number of modules for which the customer has been granted access.

5.5.2. Failure to meet programme payment deadlines: In the event of a payment delay exceeding 7 calendar days, the provider reserves the right to unilaterally terminate the contract and suspend access to the Learning Platform. The provider undertakes to notify the customer at least 2 days in advance of the termination of access to the programme and contract termination by sending an email.

5.6. Suspending or rescheduling the programme is prohibited, except for valid reasons such as illness, the death of a family member, urgent business trips, etc.

5.7. All refund requests should be submitted via a personal message to the Provider's email address at l.borisova@academio.online.

5.8. The decision regarding the refund or denial of a refund is made by the Provider within 10 (ten) business days from the receipt of the customer's corresponding request.

5.9. The refunded amount will be returned to the customer's account used for the payment of the tuition or through another agreed-upon method within 14 (fourteen) business days after the refund decision has been made.

5.10. If a refund request is approved, the customer's access to the learning materials will be terminated within 1 (one) business day from the date the Provider sends the customer the refund decision. The customer's request for a refund also serves as a withdrawal of the prior acceptance mentioned in Section 1 of this agreement.

5.11. Notice of contract termination and refund should be sent to the Provider via registered mail with an inventory or as a scanned attachment to the Provider's email.


6.1. This Agreement comes into effect upon signing and remains valid until both Parties have fulfilled their obligations.


7.1. In the event of a breach of the conditions stated in this agreement, the Parties shall bear responsibility in accordance with the applicable laws of the Russian Federation.

7.2. The Provider shall not be held responsible for the inability to provide services to the Customer due to reasons beyond the Provider's control, including but not limited to internet disruptions, equipment or software malfunctions on the Customer's side, email service failures, including emails from the Provider being filtered as "Spam," as well as the blocking of the Provider's communications, unsubscribing from the Provider's notifications by the Customer. In such cases, the services are considered to be properly rendered and subject to full payment.

7.3. No information, materials, instructional videos, and/or events provided by the Provider under this agreement should be considered as a guarantee of achieving specific results, as it depends entirely on the actions of the Customer, their personal qualities, the quality and speed of acquiring/implementing the knowledge and materials provided by the Provider, and the good faith intentions of utilizing the information provided by the Provider.
The Customer has the exclusive authority to make decisions based on all the information provided by the Provider. The Customer assumes full responsibility and risks associated with the use of information and materials provided by the Provider in fulfilling their obligations under this Agreement.

7.4. The aggregate liability of the Provider under this agreement for any claim or demand relating to the contract or its performance is limited to the amount paid by the Customer to the Provider. Only actual damages may be sought from the Provider, excluding any lost profits.


8.1. The materials of the Online programme and the provision of such services contain intellectual property owned by the Provider, its affiliates, and other related parties, representatives, and all other persons acting on behalf of the Provider.

8.2. By using the materials of the Provider's Online Programme, the Customer acknowledges and agrees that all website content (or websites) and the structure of its content are protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights, and that these rights are valid and protected in all forms, on all media, and with respect to all technologies, whether existing now or developed or created subsequently. No rights to any content of the copyrighted Online Programme, including, but not limited to, audiovisual works, textual and graphic materials, computer programs, trademarks, are transferred to the Customer as a result of using the website or entering into this agreement.

8.3. When quoting materials from the Provider, the Customer undertakes to provide a reference to the corresponding website.

8.4. In the event of the Customer's violation of the provisions of this agreement regarding the protection of the Provider's copyright, the Provider is entitled to claim a fine of 1,000,000 rubles, as well as compensation for all damages incurred, including lost profits, in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation.


9.1. The Parties shall be released from liability for full or partial non-performance of obligations under the Agreement in the event that the non-performance of obligations was a result of force majeure circumstances, namely: fire, flood, earthquake, strike, war, actions of governmental authorities, or other circumstances beyond the control of the Parties.

9.2. In the event of force majeure circumstances, the Parties must immediately notify each other in writing about such circumstances and their causes within a period not exceeding 15 calendar days from the occurrence of force majeure circumstances after receiving such notification.

9.3. The Party that is unable to fulfill its obligations under the Agreement must notify the other Party in a timely manner, but no later than 5 calendar days after the occurrence of force majeure circumstances, providing supporting documents issued by competent authorities.

9.4. The Parties acknowledge that insolvency of either Party is not considered a force majeure circumstance.


10.1. The terms of this Agreement and any supplementary agreements thereto are confidential and shall not be disclosed.

10.2. The Parties undertake to strictly maintain the confidentiality of such information and not disclose it to third parties without the prior written consent of the other Party, except when necessary for the purposes of the Agreement or for disclosure to relevant government authorities in cases prescribed by law. This provision does not apply to information that is publicly known or publicly available.

10.3. In the event of a breach of the confidentiality provisions of this Agreement by the Customer, the Provider has the right to unilaterally terminate this Agreement out of court. In such case, the Provider shall retain a penalty for the breach of confidentiality in the amount equal to the price of the services under the Agreement.


11.1. The Customer acknowledges that the programme under the Agreement is being used by them for the development of their scientific activities. The Customer is aware that the legislation on consumer rights protection does not apply to these specific legal relations.

11.2. The Customer is not entitled to assign their rights under the Agreement to third parties without the written consent of the Provider.

11.3. Correspondence between the Customer and the Provider within the framework of this Agreement constitutes official correspondence confirming the process of service provision under this Agreement.

11.4. Any written electronic submissions are deemed to have been submitted upon being sent to the other Party, according to the information provided by the electronic equipment (email message sending service).

11.5. The Parties have established that when exchanging electronic documents, subsequent exchange of original documents referred to in clause 7.2. of the contract is not required.

11.6. The Parties undertake to maintain the confidentiality of their accounts: not to disclose passwords and not to grant access to their accounts to third parties. The Parties confirm that the individuals engaged in correspondence and document exchange have the necessary authority, unless proven otherwise.

11.7. Receipt of document(s) via messengers is considered received on the day of dispatch unless proven otherwise by either Party.

11.8. The Parties shall notify each other of any changes in their place of business, banking, and other details that may affect the performance of their obligations under the Agreement within 3 (three) working days from the date of change of such details.

11.9. By participating in special group chats created by the Provider in messengers and other platforms for the purpose of providing services under this Agreement, the Customer agrees not to disclose, disseminate, or copy personal data of other participants in such chats. The Customer is prohibited from sending any information, commercial or marketing offers, or using the list and contacts of participants in special group chats without prior agreement with the Provider. In the event of non-compliance with these provisions of the Agreement, the Customer undertakes to fully reimburse the Provider for expenses incurred as a result of addressing complaints, claims, or lawsuits from third parties whose rights to the protection of personal data have been violated due to the actions of the Customer.

11.10. In addition to this Terms, the Customer may enter into an Agreement with the Provider on individual terms.

11.11. Appendices to this Agreement:
Appendix No. 1 programme Structure

Liubov V. Borisova
V Sareckem udoli 2802, 16400 Prague


Appendix No. 1
Program Name: "Scientific Article from Idea to Publication"
Duration of the training: 6 months on the Premium tariff, 12 months on the VIP tariff
Format: Online distance learning (utilizing the Internet), with some lessons recorded and others conducted through online Zoom meetings.
Program Structure (Content of the Program by Blocks and Modules):