Free autotraining
If you have already provided an email for tracking your progress, you have to use the SAME email, so that the system can identify your bonus
Once you complete all the assignments and tasks of the autotraining, you will get bonus Euros, which you can use towards the payment of any of the rates for the full programme.
The Full Programme: Research Article from Idea to Publication
The programme on writing and publishing a research article in English in top-tier journals for all researchers who want to take their research career to a new level.
  • Using modern technology and AI to ease your work
  • Acquiring practical skills for your whole life
  • Writing in English with ease, even if it is not your native language
  • Working systematically and efficiently, walk away from chaos towards an algorithm and system of work
  • Forgetting about stress and fear, not paying for publications
  • Academic and teaching tradition from Europe
Who is this programme for?
For all researchers and scholars, who:
  • don’t have enough time to write and publish articles;
  • write and publish on a hunch instead of a coherent plan;
  • don’t know where to start or how to proceed with writing an article;
  • often experience writer’s block;
  • are writing “THAT” paper for two years already;
  • are just starting in their academic career, and would like to learn to write journal articles from scratch.
  • One platform
    You get all the necessary materials for learning how to write your articles systematically, and plan your research career
  • Comfort in learning
    Lessons are pre-recorded, and open one-by-one (drip content of the programme). You can watch them at your own pace and in your own time
  • Step-by-step process
    The programme consists of 3 BLOCKS: Learning, Writing, and Submitting. Each block is separated into modules, and modules consist of lessons
  • Micro-learning
    The programme is structured in a logical way and follows the principles of micro-learning. Even though the whole course covers a big, in-depth topic, all lessons are grouped into Blocks and Modules. The lessons themselves consist of a number of short videos. You get homework and stop-lessons that systematically lead you to your article
  • Modern technology
    We teach you not only traditional Western academic writing, but also explain modern technology and apps that are useful and essential for writing your research articles
  • Feedback
    Feedback is the cornerstone of our programme, and you get it in different forms. You get oral or written feedback on your homework assignments, we meet every week to discuss your projects and address your questions, we organise feedback sessions, and peer-review sessions
Programme structure


Module 1. State of mind and preparation.
Module 2. Conceptualisation and building the argument.
Module 3. Working with literature.
Module 4. Planning your work and addressing productivity.
Module 5. Storyboarding your paper.


Module 6. Creating an outline.
Module 7. Writing the first draft. Basics of academic English.
Module 8. Editing and proofreading.


Module 9. Preparation for submission and submission itself.
Module 10. Managing reviews and contacting editors.
Bonus module. After publication, publication pipeline, and research career.
What do you get?
  • 100%
    Systematically written paper according to all the international standards
  • 100%
    Depending on your pace, you can submit your paper to a journal as early as in 2−3 months. And you may even publish it during the programme
  • 100%
    You work at your own pace, and we believe in relaxed, stress-free environment. We say no to overwork but yes to efficient planning and productivity. You work for YOUR career
  • 100%
    You get a structured algorithm for writing your articles step-by-step
(Start right after payment)
Your monetary bonus will be credited during the next payment stage. By completing all the assignments, you’ll unlock these amazing bonuses, which will be automatically included in your package. You have a 7-day window after booking your place on the programme to choose your preferred payment option and package. So, take full advantage of your efforts and reap the rewards with the added bonuses!
In the programme, I teach clients to write original empirical articles. Review articles based on systematic or scoping review methodology can also be written in the programme. Traditional and narrative reviews, as well as theoretical papers, are written differently, and are rarely accepted to top-tier international journals, hence, we do not talk about those articles.
Do you still have any questions?
Drop us a line at, on Telegram @LiubovAcademio. I’ll be happy to talk and answer any questions
Complete these three add-on mini-tasks in order to receive bonuses worth 600 Euro
These add-on mini-tasks are checked automatically every 24 hours!
You can sign up here👇

There, you can find community and support from colleagues who are also going through the autotraining or have completed it already.

Sign up for the chat, introduce yourself, tell us your:

  • University/institution/affiliation,
  • Discipline,
  • What stage of academia you are at,
  • What is your major pain, why did you join the autotraining,
  • What do you think of the autotraining so far?
Copy your individual link, and forward it to someone who you think would be interested in publishing research articles in English. As soon as the invited person registers for the autotraining, this mini-task will be completed
Liubov V. Borisova, PhD
Academic Skills Platform Academio
If you have any questions, contact our
Support Team
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In-house IT development customised to each client
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